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Boston Comics in Color

April 22nd-24th

The Boston Comics in Color Festival is one of the first of its kind in New England that focuses on creators of color and stories by and about people of color. The event will be offered both virtually and in-person at Roxbury Community College, both are offered for free to all ages! The festival will have panel discussions with artist and writers, special guest speakers, workshops on comic art and writing, an outdoor marketplace and artist alley. Boston COVID guidelines will be enforced if you choose to attend to the in-person event.

Virtual Festival

Stream can be found on their Facebook Live, Youtube channel, and Boston Neighborhood Network.

April 22nd

Session One: Writing Workshop 11-12pm

Season Two: Crowdfund Your Story 1:30-2:30pm

Session Three: Cartoonaruim 3-4:30pm

Session Four: Meet the Makers 5-6:30pm

April 23rd

Session 1: Comics Connectivity 11-12pm

Session 2: Moving Comics 1:30-2:30pm

Session Three: Women Make Comics 3-4pm

Session Four: One on One with Keith Knight 4:30-5:30pm

Special Event from 6 to 7pm

For more information on the creators and artist

Open Air Marketplace

April 24th from 12pm to 5pm

Roxbury Community College - PARKING LOT # 1

1234 Columbus Ave,  Roxbury

Featured Artist, Creators, and Writers

Tak Toyoshima, Javier Cruz Winnik, Demitrius & Bryce Bullock, Zahirah Truth, Michael Talbot, Zangar Freeman, Juan Espiniosa, Calyn Picken Rich, JAM Sketch, Nasen Gifted, Barrington Edwards, Michelle Abreu, Jameson Francios, Boston Comics Roundtable

Reserve Tickets Here