Boston 🏡 Ever Wonder Where The Name Came From?
As you stroll down the streets of Boston you’ll occasionally find yourself thinking of the historical significance that this city holds. From Fenway Park to Harvard, Boston pulsates with a blend of past and present, culture and academia, tradition and innovation.
Yet, have you ever stopped to wonder where the name "Boston" itself originated? The story takes us back not just to the foundation of the city in 1630, but even further, across the Atlantic Ocean to Boston, Lincolnshire, in England.
Boston, Lincolnshire, England
OG Boston
Situated on England's east coast, the town of Boston, Lincolnshire, traces its name back to the 7th-century English saint, Saint Botolph (you might recognize the street name in the South End). Widely revered in the Medieval period, Saint Botolph is the patron saint of travelers, a fitting namesake given the significant role both Bostons would play in the world of exploration and travel.
The name "Boston" is believed to be a contraction of "Saint Botolph's town" or "Saint Botolph's stone." The saint's name was commonly chosen for travelers' lodges and similar establishments throughout England.
Boston, Lincolnshire, England
Across The Pond
When English Puritan settlers decided to establish a town in the New World, many of them came from the area around Boston, Lincolnshire. As a way to retain a connection with home, they chose to name their new settlement after their old town. Hence, in 1630, Boston, Massachusetts, was born.
Modern day Boston, Ma
The choice was prophetic. Just as Saint Botolph watched over travelers in the old land, the new city of Boston would play a pivotal role in the journey of thousands of immigrants seeking a fresh start in America. Over time, the city would grow to become a significant waypoint, not just in the physical sense, but also in the metaphorical journey towards independence and the shaping of a new nation.
A Tale of Two Bostons
Our Boston has evolved from a small Puritan settlement into a global city, renowned for education, healthcare, biotechnology, and culture. Oh, and sports… always sports.
Yet, the echoes of its British namesake are never far away. The streets of our Boston still carry the names of English towns and counties, a testament to the profound influence of those early settlers had on the city.
As you walk the Freedom Trail, attend a lecture at MIT, or cheer on the Red Sox, remember Saint Botolph and the original Boston. Every brick, every accent, and in many Bostonian traditions, you can find traces of original Boston and a journey that shaped the destiny of a city.
The story of Boston’s name is a reminder of the city's deep historical roots, the journey of its founding settlers, and the enduring links that bind the old world with the new.
Did you know where the name Boston came from? Let us know in the comments!