Boston Local Food Festival 2022
The Sustainable Business Network of Massachusetts (SBN) is brings the 12th Annual Boston Local Food Festival on Sunday to the Rose Kennedy Greenway. Bring your family and friends to eat, shop, and discover local tastes from New England.
Our annual Boston Local Food Festival has been hailed as one of the top 10 food events in Boston since 2010. We are thrilled to be able to continue celebrating and supporting New England local food producers and businesses this year, with health safety precautions put in place.
SBN’s Boston Local Food Program strives to create a vibrant local food system, ensuring accessibility of healthy food for people of all backgrounds, while supporting the growth of local food producers, farmers and entrepreneurs.
This involves raising awareness of the benefits of buying local, as well as creating of networking opportunities between food producers and buyers at the individual and wholesale level. Each year, we support hundreds of New England farmers and food and beverage producers, while also engaging tens of thousands of members of the general public!
At the 12th annual festival don’t miss cooking demonstrations, the Seafood Throwdown, fun for the kids in the all ages zone and so many vendors that we can’t list them here.
This is a Zero Waste event, diverting 91% of waste each year and 100% energy offset. All perishable items are made from locally sourced products.
The six-state regional network known as Food Solutions New England presents “The New England Village” calling for a more sustainable future.
Learn from the regions finest with programming all day to watch local chefs cool live with New England ingredients and recipes.