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Find Your Funny: Get Ready to ROFL with 4 of Boston's Funniest Comedians

Hey there! From improv to stand-up, Boston is home to some of the funniest folks around.

First up, we've got the one and only Steve Carell. That's right, the same guy who brought us "The Office" and "Anchorman" got his start at Second City in Chicago before moving to Boston to join the cast of "The Dana Carvey Show." He's been making us laugh ever since, and we're pretty sure he's got a secret stash of jokes that he's saving for the apocalypse.

Next on the list is none other than the legendary Bill Burr. Born and raised in Canton, Massachusetts, Burr has been tearing up the comedy scene for over two decades with his no-holds-barred humor and razor-sharp wit. He's known for his hilarious rants on everything from pop culture to politics, and he's not afraid to say what's on his mind. In fact, we're pretty sure he's got a hotline to the comedy gods, because he never runs out of material.

Of course, we can't forget about Boston's own Amy Poehler. Born in Newton and raised in Burlington, Poehler got her start in improv comedy before joining the cast of "Saturday Night Live." She's since gone on to star in hit TV shows like "Parks and Recreation" and "Wine Country," and she's known for her quick wit, infectious energy, and hilarious characters. We're pretty sure she's got a secret lab where she cooks up jokes and comedy gold.

Last but certainly not least, we've got the one and only Conan O'Brien. Born in Brookline, O'Brien got his start in comedy writing for "Saturday Night Live" and "The Simpsons" before becoming the host of his own late-night talk show. He's known for his goofy humor, lanky frame, and shock of red hair, and he's been making us laugh for over 25 years. We're pretty sure he's got a secret potion that he drinks every day to keep himself funny.

So there you have it! The funniest people in Boston.

Did we miss anyone?