Fig Newtons Are Named After Newton, MA 🤯
People love ‘dem Fig Newtons. Soft, chewy cookies that have been around for over 100 years 🤯 Even though I grew up a couple of towns away in good ‘ol JP I never ever heard figgies were named after Newton - the town.
National Biscuit Company (Nabisco) and Quincy Biscuit wagon advertising "Uneeda Biscuit" Boston, 1899
1. The Birth of Fig Newtons
The origins of Fig Newtons can be traced back to the late 19th century. In 1891, the Kennedy Biscuit Works, a Massachusetts-based bakery operated by the National Biscuit Company (later known as Nabisco), developed a new recipe for a cookie filled with fig paste. The cookie was an instant hit and became known as "Newton."
2. The Inspiration from Newton, MA
But why Newton? Turns out, James L. Kraft, the founder of Kraft Foods, loved the town and thought it was charming and beautiful 🥰
3. Paying Homage to Newton, MA
As an homage to the town, Kraft decided to name his fig cookie after Newton. He thought the name added a touch of sophistication and elegance to the brand. The name "Fig Newtons" was chosen to reflect the cookie's key ingredients while associating it with the town's name.
4. The Evolution of Fig Newtons:
Over the years, Fig Newtons gained immense popularity and became a staple in households across the United States. Nabisco continued to refine the recipe, improving the cookie's texture and flavor to cater to evolving consumer preferences. While the original Fig Newtons were square-shaped, they later adopted the iconic oblong shape we recognize today.
5. Enduring Love and Legacy:
Fig Newtons have stood the test of time, captivating generations with their blend of fig filling and soft exterior. The enduring love for these cookies can be attributed to their simple taste, making them a timeless treat for people of all ages.
So, the next time you eat a figgie, remember where the name came from - good ol Newton, MA.