Getting to know Trapology Boston
It’s the weekend. You’re sick and tired of watching reruns of your favorite TV shows or movie and want to do something fun in the city for once. But with COVID-19 forcing most businesses to either close down or limit their capacities, the question remains: what exactly is there to do in Boston? What about taking part in a virtual escape room? Maybe having a Friday funday with your friends to end the night? If this sounds interesting, let me introduce you to Trapology Boston.
Located on the second floor of 177 Tremont Street, Trapology Boston is not your average escape room. Yes they have your usual indoor escape rooms, but what if you could replicate these virtually? Or even incorporate the great outdoors?
Let me not get ahead of myself. At Trapology Boston, you have the choice of taking part in either a virtual escape room or outdoor escape adventure. In the virtual escape room, you can play a part finding the missing people at Camp Alive and Well in The Retreat. Tired of looking at your laptop all the time? Don’t worry; Trapology has you covered with its two outdoor adventures— Operation Mindfall and Magic Portal. With Operation Mindfall, your goal is to take down the nefarious S.P.I.D.E.R. once and for all. Meanwhile in Magic Portal, you look to befriend some of the finest creatures Boston has to offer in a quest to save your new friends made along the way.
Photo Courtesy: Trapology Boston’s website
If you work a full-time job and want to end the week off on a high note, or even create that connection with your coworkers, I would recommend reading this next part. Remember when you and your coworkers could go and catch a quick bite after a stressful day at the office? Go to a nightclub, or even take a nice walk and enjoy the simple conversations? Those were the days. But because of the pandemic, all we seem to do is talk to our coworkers on Zoom or Microsoft Teams all day. Where’s the fun in that. Lucky for you, fun with your coworkers is back (drumroll please), as Trapology Boston recently introduced Virtual Trappy Hours. With the goal of bringing “a little fun, excitement, and a bit of zaniness to your remote working situations,” the company looks to do this in activities that you would expect to play with your friends on a Friday night, including Never Have I Ever, wacky quiz shows and giving a bizarre project proposal just to name a few. I am for certain going to convince my coworkers to take part in this (if you’re reading this, be prepared).
And the best part: $35 per player (there are bulk discount rates for larger groups). Yes, you heard me right: $35 to take part in Operation Mindfall, Magic Portal, The Retreat or Virtual Trappy Hours. The only thing you need to do is assemble your crew and let the staff at Trapology Boston deal with the rest. It’s that easy.
What are you waiting for? Make sure to check out Trapology Boston’s website!
And right now Trapology is giving away two free tickets for you experience their Virtual Escape Rooms yourself! All you need to is click on this link and provide your name and email address. It’s that simple.
Tuesday: 5:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Wednesday - Friday: 2:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 10 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.