The Party Animal Sundae
Rhett Price’s new single, ‘Party Animal’ dropped on August 27, 2021, and starting Monday, August 30, Rhett Price will drop his newest collaboration with Ben & Jerry’s in all Boston stores. Ben & Jerry’s will be selling the Party Animal Sundae until September 30, and money from each sale (as well as 100% of sales of the track for September) will go to Pine St Inn, a Boston homeless charity. This charity hits home for Price, who found himself in a similar situation in the past.
Credit: Rhett Price
“I myself was homeless for a short time years ago, this is a cause that’s very important to me”.
- Rhett Price
The limited-edition flavor contains Phish food, caramel sauce, whipped topping, gummy bears and sprinkles (YUM!).
Check out the new single below!
Credit: Rhett Price