Boston's Innovation Economy 💸 From Biotech to Startups
Boston is regarded as a powerhouse of intellect due to our world-class universities, thriving startups scene, biotech breakthroughs, and pioneering tech solutions.
10 Boston Restaurants Lost to Covid
The People’s Republik: The Cambridge Communist-themed bar and restaurant has permanently closed its doors as of this past February.
Supporting Local Restaurants Impacted by COVID-19
While the weather is getting warmer, and restaurants are continuing to re-open, some are still closed. The restaurant industry needs our support right now. Due to many restrictions they aren’t able to operate as usual. This means that they can’t have a full restaurant and the lack of customers means less tips.
Boston Harbor Distillery
The Boston Harbor Distillery has announced that they have donated $18,000 to the Massachusetts Restaurant Association (MRA) to be put towards its Education Foundation and the creation of leader scholarships to be given to future leaders of the restaurant and food service industry.
Calling All Musicians!!
Performers and musicians, if you’re interested in taking part of this year’s Friendship Drive, you need to read this!
6 Boston Bars Lost To Covid
Read to find out which Boston bars are officially in the history books
3 Ways Bostonians Are Helping Each Other Through COVID
Read to find out another reason why Bostonians are the best!
Fenway Park COVID Precautions
Fenway Park is doing everything they can to make their fans safer.
Project Paulie: Brand Dedicated To Helping Improve Lives
See how wearing a tomato logo can help!
Community Fridge Trend On The Rise
Community Fridges are the new trend that helps those that are facing food insecurity. Check it out to see how you can help!
Boston Performances You Can Stream
Tired for something to watch otherwise than Netflix or Hulu? Look no further! This article will give you some suggestions for shows you stream online, and the best part: it’s FREE.
Yes, You Can Go Ice Skating During COVID-19!
Looking for something to do this weekend in Boston? What about ice skating? If so, this is where and what you need to know.
5 Restaurants Offering Igloo Seating
Looking to shake things up and dine outdoors than eat inside your house, but don’t know where to go? What about in an igloo? If so, we got you covered! These are some of the best restaurants in the Greater Boston area to dine outdoors at in an igloo-like setting.
12 COVID-Safe Boston Restaurants with Outdoor Heated Seating
Do you want to go out to eat but still follow COVID policies? Well you are in luck, here are 12 restaurants that take social distancing seriously. These restaurants have worked to provide comfortable outdoor seating,
Secret Boston works with the Boston Pops
A Christmas tradition, with a 2020 twist: The Boston Pops